JMC Academy i Australien är populärt bland svenska studenter som vill ha en karriär inom bland annat musik, film, tv och animation. Leng Te är International Communications Manager på JMC Academy och stortrivs med sitt jobb i den superkreativa och professionella miljön som JMC är kända för. Här ger hon dig en djupare inblick i vad som gör JMC Academy så speciellt och hur samarbetet mellan de olika utbildningarna funkar. Och varför det är det perfekta valet för svenska studenter som vill studera utomlands!

Hi Leng! If you had to choose only one word to describe JMC Academy, what would that be? And why?
Unique. There is no institution quite like JMC Academy. It’s a creative study environment where you’re never just a number. Our teachers are passionate about seeing our students succeed. They’re more than teachers and industry professionals – they are mentors, able to identify a student’s strengths and weaknesses, and they understand the creative journey is different for everyone. While most JMC students are locals, Australia is so multi-cultural that the range of backgrounds and experiences found in each classroom is always an interesting blend. With international students from over 35 different nations and a mixture of school leavers and mature age career-change students, things are never dull!
There are lots of Swedish students interested in having a career in Music, Film and Television. Why should they choose JMC Academy?
JMC Academy is a specialist creative institution, with small class sizes so students have a lot of access to their teachers. They also receive a lot of support and individual attention, which means you can develop your craft under the tutelage of people who know your strengths and weaknesses. There are plenty of opportunities to collaborate with other students from within your course and from other courses. Also, JMC Academy has three campuses to choose from – in three beautiful Australian cities. Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane all offer students a great lifestyle. There is a reason our cities are considered some of the world’s most livable!

Are there any specific programs for Swedish students that you would like to highlight?
JMC Academy has a range of music and music industry programs: Contemporary Music Performance, Songwriting, Entertainment Business Management and Audio Engineering & Sound Production. When you have these four courses on one campus, the opportunities to collaborate are not to be missed! If you have a song or arrangement you want to test out, you have performers ready to go. If you want experience in a recording studio, you have audio engineers keen to practice. If you have a hot track that people need to listen to, you have promoters with marketing and business ideas they have just learned in the classroom. Also, if you want to experiment with film music or sound effects, we have film makers, animators and game creators on campus too. What better way to expand your repertoire and hone your craft than to apply it to a range of different projects while you’re studying?

Are there any unique programs that you are extra proud of?
JMC Academy has a range of international partnerships that we are very proud of – in the US, Netherlands, Japan, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Colombia, and South Korea. This includes being the only Australasian institution in the Berklee College of Music International Network. Our international study programs include a study tour to Los Angeles Film School (LAFS) each year, where students spend two weeks in LA, attending classes at LAFS and visiting major Hollywood studios. We also have a student exchange program with Fontys University School of Creative Arts, and our teaching staff also get sent overseas to share their knowledge with other students and industry professionals. So while Australia is geographically an island, JMC Academy is very much in tune with the global arts industry.
How many students do you have in total and how many of them are international students?
We have over 2200 students across all our campuses, including 150 international students.
What is the biggest difference between your campuses in Sydney, Brisbane and Melbourne?
The biggest difference between the three campuses is not related to the campuses themselves but to the cities they are in. While Brisbane, Melbourne and Sydney are the three largest cities in Australia, they each have their own unique environment, culture and lifestyle to offer. Brisbane is known for its wonderful weather, community feel and relaxed environment. It also has a great independent music scene and great student lifestyle. Sydney is perhaps the most famous Australian city and currently has the highest population in Australia. It offers a fast-paced, visually stunning and energised environment with a moderate climate and some beautiful beaches. Melbourne is a cosmopolitan city, with plenty of festivals celebrating different cultures, sports, fashion and food. With a great café culture, strong arts scene and multicultural environment, its reputation as a global city is growing.
What can you tell us about the teachers and the pedagogical approach at JMC Academy?
Our teachers are industry professionals who are able to teach from their wealth of experience and their current professional knowledge. This means our students have access to the latest trends and receive practical real-world instruction. It also means that students have the ability to network with industry professionals right from the beginning, in the classroom. Our teachers are keen to recommend students for work opportunities and internships, which opens up a whole network for the student. With all industries, but creative industries especially, ‘who’ you know can be as important as ‘what’ you know for building your career.
What do people find most surprising when they come to your university?
Students are often surprised by the level of personal support they receive. At JMC Academy we offer a range of student support services, including access to individual academic support, peer mentors, personal counselling, study skills workshops and a dedicated international office who tracks with students from application through to graduation and beyond! At JMC Academy students are never just a number. Our dedicated teachers are genuinely concerned for student welfare and are invested in their students’ success.
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